It was Paiges birthday March 24 and we couldn't have been more excited when we were invited to PF Chang's with everyone. It was a great night and very fun for us to get all dressed up! We talked and talked and talked, had a couple drink rounds, and politely devoured the most amazing food there. We discovered many different uses for chop-sticks like: pulling up your hair, having "who can balance the best/coolest chop-stick tower", having a "who can blow on the best/coolest chop-stick tower, and get them to spin without falling" contest, Jenga chop-stick towers, and yes...the birthday girl even managed to break a Martini glass. (Still haven't figured that one out...) It was a night full of laughs, smiles, and so much fun. Of course I can't forget to mention, and THANK, the stubborn and very sweet man who picked up the tab. THANK YOU!!! ;)
I'm so greatful to have (part of) our amazing and loving family so close. Chris and I have enjoyed so many fun times with them and their close friends. I hope there is many more to come in every aspect.